
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
The Magic of Mushrooms
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 024 – The Magic of Mushrooms
- Shiitake mushroom is used for boosting the immune system, HIV/AIDS, lowering blood cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, eczema, colds and flu, treating prostate or breast cancer, and as an anti-aging agent. It is also used for hepatitis B, herpes, high blood pressure, and stomach ache. (Web MD)
- Antioxidants, selenium that can prevent heart disease and cancer.
- Vitamins A, C, D, B vitamins, copper, iron, potassium
- Stimulate immune system-good during flu and cold season.
- Fiber keeps things moving along!
Garlic Mushrooms Recipe:
Excellent alone, or served over roasted turkey, chicken breast, rice or noodles / pasta.
4 tbsp. unsalted butter (Grass Fed)
1 tbsp. olive oil (Or avocado)
1/2 onion chopped
1-pound Cremini, button, and shiitake mushrooms
2 tbsp. dry white wine* (optional)
1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
4 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
4 cloves garlic minced
Himalayan salt and pepper to taste
• Heat butter and oil in a large pan or skillet over medium-high heat.
• Sauté onion until softened (about 3 minutes).
• Add mushrooms and cook for about 4-5 minutes until browned.
• Pour in wine and cook 2 minutes, then reduce slightly.
• Stir through thyme, parsley and garlic. Cook for a further 30 seconds, until fragrant.
• Season generously with salt and pepper (to your taste).
• Sprinkle with remaining parsley and serve warm
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Saturday Jan 19, 2019
The Pineal Gland We Never Knew
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 023 – The Pineal Gland We Never Knew
What we don’t know is more liberating than what we think we know. The holy temple is a living miracle and every part has a designated purpose. To assume God created us to have a gland or organ that does nothing lacks knowledge.
We were told the appendix is useless and must be removed, yet Duke Medical Center immunologists’ et. al. researchers reveal it actually produces good probiotic bacteria, harbors and protects good microbes for the gut by "rebooting" the digestive, microbiome system. I don’t recall being advised that keeping A healthy gut microbiome serves mind and body affecting the temple throughout life by controlling digestion, immune system, central nervous system and other bodily processes. Useless?
I also don’t remember being extensively educated about the pineal gland. The pea size pineal is situated right in the center of the brain. Often referred to as the third eye, this small, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ secretes melatonin that regulates your daily sleep-wake patterns, hormone levels, stress levels, boosts moods, enhances sex, physical performance, and even increasing longevity by as much as 10-25% according to Stanford University.
Pineal Gland Essentials
- Of the endocrine organs, the function of the pineal gland was the last discovered.
- Located deep in the center of the brain, the pineal gland was once known as the “third eye.”
- The pineal gland produces melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones.
It is an endocrine gland sitting alone in the brain, level with our eyes. The pineal gland produces melatonin and regulates our daily and seasonal circadian rhythms. Melatonin is the chemical in charge of our sleep cycles and the quality of our sleep, and it also regulates the onset of puberty. Melatonin is responsible for fighting against free radicals. A decline in melatonin triggers the ageing process in the body. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter or happy chemical responsible for our mood, is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland.
Scientific evidence supports the possibility that our third eye, or pineal, was once our first eye. Under the microscope, the pineal is made up of cells that have the same features as the rod-shaped light sensitive cells found in our retinas. The pineal gland receives signals that travel down the optic nerves. It seems the primitive third eye functioned as a sight organ before our current set of eyes. The pineal gland gives a perception of the world around us through our senses. It controls the action of light upon our body and is located beneath the cerebral cortex where the two hemispheres of the brain join. This is the place where the brain regulates consciousness and interprets the body’s sensory and motor functions.
Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism believe there’s a divine side of the pineal gland. Our third eye connects soul energy to your body. Once your pineal gland is activated to the world of spirituality, it may seem as if you’re more conscious; connected to the universal flow of heavenly energy. This can be achieved through meditation, yoga or shamanistic plant medicine. This may be a stretch for some of you, but the pineal gland, “all seeing eye”, third eye symbol, can be seen on the back of the American dollar bill and statues of the pineal exist at the Vatican.
Be mindful it’s been known for decades that fluoride in our water and toothpaste is kryptonite to the pineal. To reactivate your pineal gland, you first need to eliminate sources of fluoride and cut out junk foods, especially soda. If you don’t change this part of your diet, you won’t gain any ground. Plant-foods like cilantro, garlic, lemon juice, and coconut oil may help detox, but It also may be worth considering a full body detox.
Foods that definitely support the pineal gland are turmeric, cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, spring water, reishi mushroom tea, wheatgrass juices, raw beets, apple cider vinegar, iodine supplementation, and others. Now you’re awakened to what you weren’t taught in school. Go for it!
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Why Are We Here?
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 022 – Why Are We Here?
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Celebrating Celery
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 021 – Celebrating Celery
In the Mediterranean, crunchy celery has been cultivated and used as food and medicine for millennia. Although, in America celery, meh, it’s been diminished; just another dreaded veggie we’re ‘forced’ to eat.
King Tut’s tomb contained a shroud adorned with wild celery garlands. Hippocrates believed celery to sooth nerves. In ancient Rome, celery was considered an aphrodisiac as celery contains androsterone, a pheromone released by men’s sweat glands that attracts females. Oo-la-la!
So much more, celery seeds contain about 25 anti-inflammatories that protect against painful flare-ups and other health issues. Cleveland Clinic (CC) says celery may be able to control high blood pressure. While the initial craze was eating celery seeds for this purpose, CC says whole celery stalks are the way to go.
The autoimmune confusion is huge blunder in modern medicine. Over 250 million Americans live and suffer no relief from mystery symptoms and conditions caused from eating fake manmade food.
Celery juice teems with powerful anti-inflammatories highly beneficial for people who suffer “autoimmune.” Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, RA, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Lyme disease, migraines, vertigo, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, lupus, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, Ménière’s disease, GERD, gout, bursitis, bloating, intestinal cramping, distention, acid reflux, vertigo, constipation, restless leg syndrome, tingles, numbness.
Celery contains a multitude of mineral salts acting symbiotically as an antiseptic. When these powerful mineral salts make contact with viruses such as Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, and shingles; bacteria such as Streptococcus; and other pathogens the salts begin to break down the pathogens’ cell membranes, eventually killing and destroying the villains. Celery’s breaks down and flushes out viruses, including EBV and shingles,
Every morning, drink roughly 16 ounces of plain, thoroughly washed, fresh celery juice on an empty stomach. (about one whole stalk) Wait at least 15 minutes after drinking your celery juice before breakfast. Use washed, organic or conventional celery whenever possible. Taking warfarin or other blood thinners? Celery contains vitamin K.
If you still refuse the truth that eating from God’s pharmacy prevents and cures just about every mental and physical disease, then you’re sleepwalking through “Denial-land” or simply don’t give a damn about their sacred gift of life.
Source who created us in His image, didn’t designed us to be imperfect. We enter earth a perfect temple that innately knows what to eat, but then were taught to hate veggies and eat dead food from man’s polluted factories. Really?
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Ezra's Enlightened Cafe
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 020 – Ezra’s
This episode was recorded on location at Ezra’s Enlightened Café in Broad Ripple, Indianapolis, Indiana on December 21st, 2018 with guest Chef Audry Baron.
For more about Chef Audry and Ezra’s Enlightened Café go to: gaiachef.com or Ezra's Enlightened Cafe: www.ezrasenlightenedcafe.com Facebook: Ezra's Enlightened Cafe Twitter: @ezrasraw IG: @ezrasrawcafe
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Building Immunity
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 019 – Building Immunity
Make your body an inhospitable host for the Flu season
- The sugar season is here! It’s also the Flu Season!
- From Halloween to news year day…we binge.
- Dehydration, stress, less sleep, more alcohol, less sunlight, less exercise, eating more crappy, sugary food than usual.
- No wonder we get sick!!
- Your department of defense (DOD) needs you to provide weapons.
- Your immune system is your body’s version of the military: sworn to defend against all who threaten it, both foreign and domestic.
- Truth-Natural forces within are the true healers.
- Your immune system works hard to protect you every day, but there are things you can do to help it out:
- Your immune system protects against disease, infection.
Sugar Is A Real Immune System Destroyer
- Sugar sucks and is a Human toxin-1960’s Bribed physicians reported that fat not sugar cased disease. Liar, liar pant on fire!
- Foods high in sugar tend to be devoid of nutrients, further hampering immune function which depends on vitamins, minerals and enzymes to function
- Princeton University- sugar can be physically addictive.
- Hits your brain like crack.
- Sends a message to the brain, activating the its reward system.
- Sugar has a similar effect on your brain to hanging out with friends, sex, and even drugs.
- Sugar reduces your white blood cells’ ability to kill pathogens in the body. In fact, 100 grams of sugar – about the equivalent found in 1 medium-sized soda bottle – can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill microorganisms by 40%.
- Other diseases:
- Sugar promotes obesity.
- Sugar promotes heart disease. too much sugar tends to have higher blood triglycerides, and this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Sugar promotes diabetes by increases pancreatic secretion of insulin,
- The impact on immune function occurs within 30 minutes of ingestion, and lasts up to 10 hours (Sanchez, 1973).
- Sugar competes with vitamin C for absorption into white blood cells.
- If you’re not getting more than 5 hours of sleep a night, your immune system can become depressed, just like you. This leaves you open to colds, flu, and infection.
- Take a walk. Or D-3. Exposure to sunlight is how your body naturally produces vitamin D. This helps ward off depression, heart disease, and certain cancers. A fair-skinned person only needs about 10 minutes on a sunny day to get all the vitamin D they need. However, too much sun can cause temporary damage to your immune. Remember some sun is good, but you need to protect your skin when you plan to spend time outside.
Stress, Fear, Anger
- Your immune system is ready for anything you can throw at it. But it can only handle so much. During stress, a series of events release cortisol, adrenaline, and other stress hormones from the adrenal gland. Together they help your body cope with stress.
Deep breathing exercises
- Focus on the breath.
Excessive Alcohol
- Excessive alcohol can damage the immune system because the alcohol will prevent nutrients from feeding your immune system. Alcohol will reduce the white blood cell count in the body. The lower the number of white blood cells, the more difficult it is to fight off disease.
The “Plant-based” solutions.
- Elderberry syrup or tincture
- Probiotics, alkaline ACV, D-3, hydration, sleep.
- Hydrate with water, not diet coke or sports drinks
- Eating more fresh RAW fruits and vegetables is a great way to get immune boosting benefits from Vitamin C and other phytonutrients found in fresh raw foods.
- Dark greens like kale and spinach contain beta carotene and Vitamin E that help your body fend off cold and flu infections.
- Fresh red and pink produce like tomatoes, strawberries and pink grapefruit are especially high in Vitamin C.
- Citrus Fruits: However, it is common knowledge vitamin C provided by citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines, and clementine’s contain antioxidants that can help prevent a cold before it happens.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Your body can’t function correctly if you aren’t sleeping well.
- Deep breathing techniques to relax and chill
- Practice good hygiene. Washing your hands regularly can prevent infections.
- Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. Eating nutritious food and staying active will help your earth suit fight off infections.
Kitchari - A vitamin pill on a plate
- 1 cup cooked lentils or garbanzo
- 2 cups cooked quinoa
- 1 cup chopped almonds or walnuts
- 3 tbsp. unrefined virgin coconut oil
- 2 tbs. coconut milk
- 1-inch fresh ginger root, grated ot fry
- 1 tsp. fennel s
- 1 tsp. cumin
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- Pinch of cayenne
- ½ tsp. turmeric
- 1 cup assorted, peas, carrots, cauliflower, red peppers, zucchini (cut into small pieces)
- Cilantro, chopped leaves
- 2 bu. chopped green onions
- 1 tbs. ground flax or chia seed
- Juice of one lemon
- Thoroughly drain lentils. In sauce pan, cook quinoa according to package directions.
- In another pan, heat the oil on medium and add the ginger, fennel, cumin, turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon. Sauté 2 minutes.
- Add veggies; let cook for a minute and then gently mix in coconut milk.
- Plate the quinoa first then top with the veggies / spice mix.
- Squeeze lemon juice over the top,
- Garnish with nuts, green onions and cilantro and serve.
Make your own Elderberry Syrup!
You will need:
- 5 cups of cold water
- 2 cups of elderberries, dried
- A tsp of cinnamon powder
- A tbsp of ginger root, fresh or dried
- A cup of honey, raw
Preparation: In a saucepan, place all of the ingredients, except the honey. Bring the content to boil and leave it to simmer for 40 minutes on medium heat. Then, turn off the stove and set the saucepan aside. Mash the berries and then strain the content into a jar. Add the honey and mix everything together. Close the jar and keep it in a cold and dark area or in the fridge.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Friday Dec 07, 2018
Angel Diet
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 018 – Angel Diet
I stood in the pulpit recdntlhy at Unity Church of Indy to share my message of food’s relationship with our ability to connect and hear the soft whispers of God and our omnipresent guardian angels. Because society has not been taught this truth from the pulpit nor the classroom, we remain sadly uninformed of how much authority we have over our ability to connect to our highest self and stay in the flow of all that is.
I’ve been exploring this topic for a while and wanted to accentuate how a diet of toxin-free, non-GMO plant-based foods provide the nutrition to fuel your temple’s electrical currents. Since angel communication happens through an exchange of electromagnetic energy at a high vibrational level, you can perceive more of what angels are trying to tell you… if you raise your vibe with whole, fresh, unprocessed plant-food, a loving heart and live on the bright-side of now.
Food is infinitely more than what’s on your plate. Pesticide-free and non-GMO, plant foods contain the energy of father sun, rain, wind, water and mother earth’s warm soil. Consuming and digesting these fresh foods, your cells recognize and then intelligently distribute that food’s energy throughout your temple, raising your frequency.
Each time you eat, you absorb that food’s energy into your temple. Eating high vibration foods and beverages, as this column has been preaching, purifies and balances your temple so it works harmoniously with mind and soulular energy as God intended. Most of today’s DOA mainstream foods have been so heavily processed, they’ve lost their heavenly energy mojo and therefore have a low, health-destroying vibe. Remember: everything vibrates, nothing rests. The higher the vibe, the better for holistic health.
Raising your temple vibrational frequency is the only effective way to fully connect and hear the angelic whispers of the divine. While radiating a low vibe, you may never achieve complete celestial connectivity. To connect with your team of angels, you must first disconnect from factory foods and reconnect with God’s apothecary.
If you seek help from your angels, and they’re always surrounding you, simply make quiet time, pray, meditate and petition them directly to help transform your diet and make your temple cleaner and more receptive to divine messages. That’s a pretty righteous reason to choose what you eat wisely. For myself, I feel a deeper divine connection with my inner self and have more control of what I attract into my life.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Dec 03, 2018
How Can We Be So Malnourished?
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 017 – How Can We Be So Malnourished?
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wellbeing Fest
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 016 - Indy Wellbeing Fest
We sit down to talk with Jennifer Seffrin from the Indy Holistic Hub and Karmen Fink, the Founder and Inspiring Magical Force behind Sparkle and Celebrate about Wellbeing Fest!
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Raising Good Vibes
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 015 – Raising Good Vibes
Everything you see vibrates at a frequency… and so do you. The table, car, food, rocks, colors, thoughts and feelings are all governed by The Law of Vibration: nothing rests.
High vibrations are generally associated with good health and feelings, such as love, forgiveness, compassion and peace. The higher your vibe, the more in touch you are with your inner divinity or your true nature. The lower your vibe, the more out of sync you are with your health and higher self.
All food contains a vibrational frequency - a measurement of electrical energy present in all things. Food can help or hinder our health, depending on its vibrational frequency. High vibe food can also assist the temple in moving energy effectively and efficiently - provided we eat the right types of foods.
The vibrational energy of fresh organic produce, herbs, nuts, seeds are rich in sun-kissed vitamin nutrition is high. Eating fresh produce, our cells absorb food’s energy/vibe which has a direct positive or negative impact on the quality of overall health and vibration.
High vibe foods: fresh, certified local organic produce, food-based vitamin supplements, spirulina, herbal teas and spices, pure or filtered reverse osmosis or freshly collected spring water, olive, avocado and coconut oil in moderation. Then there’s nuts and seeds, fermented foods, frankincense, raw chocolate (cacao), raw honey and maple syrup, legumes, buckwheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, and spelt. Eating healthy unprocessed food in the state source created them—your temple receives the nutrients needed, your energy/vibration level will rise. For comparison, fresh produce comes in at 15 Hz, canned, processed or GMO foods contain 0 Hz.
Low vibrations are associated with darker qualities like disease, hatred, fear, greed and depression. If we eat dead, processed junk food, the temple won't get much nutrition and energy/vibration plunges. Fast food restaurants, grocery chains, and middle-of-the-road eateries offer food of a very low vibrational quality, which doesn't provide any valuable vitamins and minerals for the temple’s cells. Eating foods devoid of vibrational frequency (i.e., processed and GMO foods), we are indirectly polluting the temple; filling tummies with substances harmful to health and well-being. I call this unconscious eating.
To be confident of obtaining food with the highest vibrational frequency, then, as much as possible, buy seasonal, local, sustainably foods grown naturally as God planned. Of course, offering gratitude before meals is the most powerful, highly vibrational form of spiritual nourishment.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0