
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
The Time We Have
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Live Right Now - Episode 034 – The Time We Have
Hello Beautiful Souls! This is Producer Allan. Chef Wendell isn’t with me today. In fact, you may have noticed that we haven’t put out a new show for a little while now. (and this one won’t be very long) I’m really sorry about that but I’m even more sorry for the reason it had to be. If you follow Chef Wendell on Facebook you might have an idea what’s been going on. And that is the reason I feel compelled to do this today. Even though it is mostly just Wendell and myself that you hear on this show there has been someone behind the scenes that was as big a part of this as either of us. Wendell’s wife, his “Angel Eyes”…Sandy. You may recall that last year we did a couple shows with Sandy and her battle with cancer. Well, yesterday Sandy lost her battle. But I’m not here for a pity party. I want to celebrate the Light and Joy and Love that IS Sandra Fowler. Her energy. Her high frequency energy that made everyone feel welcomed and loved is still with us. I know it is surrounding and flowing through Wendell to lift him up right now. But even more, I want to remind YOU how important it is that you remember to appreciate the precious few moments we have. In The Bible it says “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34) You have to take the time to be aware of the good things we all have in every minute. Don’t live in the past with the “what if’s”. If you stay there, all the possibility of right NOW will just become another “might have been.” And the future…how much do we live in fear of what awaits us there and forget that we only have NOW? Especially now. Don’t get me wrong, there are very real things (like corona virus) to be concerned about but remember that fear gives small things big shadows. Wendell and Sandy knew that. When I visited with them the far too few times since all this started for them the thought was never on low frequency things like cancer. We would always end up talking about so many different things that would raise our energy and when the minutes blinked to hours I would always leave better than when I arrived. If you’ve spent even five minutes with them you know exactly what I mean. Earlier this week Wendell posed the question on Facebook: What do you affirm after – I am? There were a lot of great answers: Love, light, gratitude, divine, empowered, blessed, laughter, sacred, strong, content. I think all of those apply to Wendell and Sandy in any moment. In this moment, which are you? Or maybe you are like me. For me, in this moment, I believe that “I am” is all the affirmation I need. It means I am here now. I am enough. I am loved. I am love. I am strong. There is nothing needed beyond just “being.” That’s what it is like to be around Sandy (and inseparably Wendell). And I say “IS” because, like all of us, her energy is part of the bigger (the biggest!) energy… call it God, the Universe, the Divine... that is part of everything and made everything. I didn’t realize it but March 20th was the Spring Equinox. A time of new beginnings. It was a time of new beginnings for Sandy’s Spirit and certainly a time of new beginning for Wendell too. Wendell, I know this beginning will be hard for you without your Angel Eyes. Remember that I and more people than you know love you and are with you sending you prayers and positive energy. Remember to take things one step at a time. Be mindful of the many blessings you have in every moment. Embrace the love around you. There is no other time. So remember to Live Right Now.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Café Conversations with Joe Melillo
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 033 – Café Conversations with Joe Melillo
This week Chef Wendell and Allan are joined in the Zinnia Café by Joe Melillo. Joe is a former TV reporter and is now host of the Infamous Indy podcast. Although Joe’s show often talks about the darker side of things Joe is a ray of light in the dark and emphasizes how good can be created out of very bad situations. We talk about how food, faith, and a positive mindfulness can affect stress and bring our spirits out of the dark so we can Live Right Now. Enjoy the show!
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Café Conversations with Steve Ross
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 032 – Café Conversations with Steve Ross
Chef Wendell and Allan are joined in the Xenia Café this week by Steve Ross. Steve has been connecting people and making a better world around him from his start in radio, to owning and managing iconic music venues like the Bluebird in Bloomington, Indiana and the Vogue and Patio in Indianapolis, and now the Walk the Talk speaker series.
We hope you enjoy the conversation!
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Jesus on a Plate with Shawn Sullivan and Tom Clark
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 031 – Jesus on a Plate with Shawn Sullivan and Tom Clark
Chef Wendell Flower and Allan Haw sit down with their friends Shawn Sullivan and Tom Clark and talk about Jesus, but not in the way you probably grew up with. The discussion covers spiritual journeys, the Christ Consciousness, and Jesus as you have never seen him before!
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Cool It!
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 030 – Cool It!
Much to the delight of grandkids and overheating grandparents… there’re here: inviting
ice cream trucks blaring Pop Goes the Weasel trolling neighborhood streets. When its
hotter than blazes, consuming popsicles, ice cream bars, slushies, might seem like
common-sense choices when you want to cool off, (spoiler alert) but they may do more
harm than good.
We mean well, but rehydrating our parched temple with diet soda, energy drinks, Mt.
Dew, beer, margaritas, wine spritzers is not the wisest decision as caffeine and alcohol
contribute to rapid dehydration. Excess alcohol consumption can cause dehydration in a
variety of ways and sugary desserts, doughnuts, ice cream, muffins, highly processed
breads, pasta, and grains require a lot of water to digest. Dietitians agree the temple
uses a lot of water to metabolize these foods, which depletes water reserves leading to
dehydration. Plus, you don’t get any nutrients, just unpleasant, disease-mimicking
Some symptoms of dehydration in seniors include confusion, irritability, dark colored
urine, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, frequent urination, reduced blood flow to the
extremes, sunken eyes and cheek. High blood pressure is common among the
chronically dehydrated. It can also be a warning sign of dehydration
Icy cold food and drinks might provide a short-lived cooling effect, but consuming these
food and beverages food leads to an increase in temperature as the process of
digestion is heat-generating. This combined with the rapid cooling initiated by cold food
and drinks means your temple over-compensates by increasing your core temperature.
So you may actually end up feeling hotter than you did!
Drinking an air-temp or hot drink increases the temples heat load and responds by
sweating. The output of sweat is greater than the internal heat gain, and this is where it
all starts to make sense ― when the sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools us down,
Dehydration is relatively preventable. Basically, take in more water than you lose. Drink
water throughout the day, back off caffeine and alcohol, eat as much watery fruits and
vegetables as you are able, mind your thirst levels and rehydrate accordingly, check
your urine—if you are drinking enough, it should be a pale straw color.
Certain fruit and vegetables score highly in this regard, so consider eating more
strawberries, cucumber, zucchini, celery, lettuce, Hoosier cantaloupes, and local
watermelon if we want to up the H2O. Watermelon is the juiciest and one of most
colorful of fruits to rehydrate.
Pedialyte, the electrolyte drink of our childhood, has suddenly become the drink of pop
culture. You'll find it in pro sports locker rooms for rehydration and in our fridges to help
you get through hangovers. (optional graph)
Include dark leafy-green salads with a rainbow of vegetables. Lettuce is 95 percent
water so it keeps you both cool and hydrated. Throw extra cucumbers on top, which are
96 percent water. Make pitchers of cucumber, fresh mint, peaches, and strawberry
water and carry a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day.
Plain and simple: pure water hydration is the staff of all life. Both mother earth and our
temple are two-thirds water by divine design. I doubt any garden would survive, let
alone flourish being watered with anything other than the colorless, transparent,
odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, rain and all lifeforms.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Jul 08, 2019
It's the Journey
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
This week we’re diving in a little deeper into Sandy’s Story with some specific things that have kept her strong and the realization that the story is still being written.
You can find out more about the Om Home HERE
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Sandy's Story
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 028 – Sandys Story
You may have noticed we’ve been on a pretty long break. This is the story about why we’ve been gone, but also the story of why we do what we do.
You can find out more about the Om Home HERE
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
The Dawn of Lifestyle Medicine
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 027 – Lifestyle Medicine
Hello Beautiful Souls-I’m optimistic about our future.
- My story of Code Blue-Validation for my message and or podcast.
- Typical Current Eating Patterns in the United States do not align with the Dietary Guidelines set forth by our creator.
- About three-fourths of the population has an eating pattern that is low in vegetables, fruits, dairy, and oils.
- More than half of the population is meeting or exceeding total grain and total protein foods recommendations.
- Most Americans exceed the recommendations for added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
God's / Gaia’s Pharmacy: You are what you do and don’t and don't eat.
- In God’s Pharmacy, the open field, valleys, mountains, rivers and the waters crisscrossing and encircling the earth, God / Gaia provided everything we need.
- If we use Gaia correctly, we will be healthy and blessed all the years of our life, be fulfilled in our older years and experience a ripe old age.
- When we leave this earth suit, we will simply step across from earth into eternity to see Him.
- “God’s Pharmacy” address the causes of sickness and disease, instead of suppressing the symptoms. Natural remedies in the dorm of plants, fruit, vegetable, etc. for each disease or sickness, is recommended.
Lifestyle Medicine is revolutionizing our healthcare system:
Definition: the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic approaches, such as a predominantly whole food, plant-based diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substance use, and other non-drug modalities, to prevent, treat, and, oftentimes, reverse the lifestyle-related, chronic disease that's all too prevalent… even in old age.
- Lifestyle Medicine is Preventive Medicine that will result in lower costs, improved outcomes, and enhanced well-being and divine connectivity.
- Lifestyle medicine is the evidence-based therapeutic approach to prevent, treat and reverst lifestyle-related chronic diseases.
Lifestyle Medicine 2019
- Lifestyle Medicine treats the underlying cause of disease and not just the disease markers and risk factors.
- Technology cannot solve our chronic disease problem. Pills alone do not restore health.
- What will maximize healing is the application of scientifically sound lifestyle principles to both individual and community practice—thereby preventing or reversing the worst of our chronic disease burden.”
– ACLM President, George Guthrie, MD, MPH, CDE, FACLM, FAAFP
- The principal conclusion: heart disease was preventable with lifestyle and not an inevitable consequence of aging (a new concept at the time),
- STOP-the dietary intake of saturated fat from (meat, processed meat, and dairy products then; with fast food and various processed foods)
- Should be reduced and replaced by whole (organic) foods, mostly plants, and the unsaturated oils derived from olives in particular, but also nuts, seeds, avocados, fish, and seafood- to lower cardiovascular disease risk.
What to do:
- Empower People to Make Healthy Shifts (Knowledge)
- How they control /activate their inner healer-create their destiny
- Switch from high calorie snacks to nutrient- dense snacks.
- Making changes to eating patterns can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to emphasize that every food choice is an opportunity to move toward a healthy eating pattern. Small shifts in food choices—over the course of a week, a day, or even a meal—can make a big difference.
- Replace Fruit products with added sugars to real fruit and fresh juices.
- Refined grains to whole grains, seeds
- Solid fats to clean oils (No cottonseed)
- Sugary beverages with no-sugar beverages. (Drop the Mt. Dew)
- Increase physical activity
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Totally Tea!
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 026 – Totally Tea!
“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
― William Ewart Gladstone
“Writing is a job, a talent, but it's also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.”
― Ann Patchett, Truth and Beauty
“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”
― Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living
- The Japanese tea ceremony is called Ocha. It is a choreographic ritual of preparing and serving Japanese green tea,
- represents harmony, respect, purity and tranquility
How to Be Mindful with Tea:
- When it's difficult to meditate or stay centered, build moments of mindfulness into the day through simple activities like brewing and enjoying a cup of tea.
- If you’re depressed or anxious… bring mindfulness to drinking a cup of tea, cleaning your teeth, or going for a walk
About tea:
- the world’s second most popular leverage next to water. In America, meh, we drink fizzy health-destroying crap in a can that trashes temple health and wellbeing; but it sure tastes good!
- Really, that’s the reason you drink Diet Coke, Mt. Dew, and Dr. Pepper loaded with toxic aspartame, HFCS, artificial coloring, preservatives, has no nutritional value? We’ve been dumbed down mw sweet gullible friends.
- America is gradually become a nation of tea drinkers. Some 80 percent of U.S. households have tea in their kitchens, and more than half drinks tea on a daily basis, according to the U.S. Tea Association.
What I’m talking about is much more than Lipton’s that’s been thrust upon as the only tea on earth.
- tea can be from herbs, roots, and mushrooms too. There’s black and green tea, tulsi (holy basil), oolong, antioxidant chai, chamomile, stinging nettle, hibiscus, green Rooibos, ginger, dandelion, echinacea, a garden of herbs, lion’s mane and reiki mushroom tea, and the list goes on and on. Instant tea? You should be flogged with a used teabag!
- Studies reveal many teas may help with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and encourage weight loss, lower cholesterol, has anti-microbial qualities and increased mental alertness.
- Tulsi tea or holy basil that is hot right now, for or example has anti-microbial properties and is rich in anti-oxidants that fight free radicals responsible for causing various chronic degenerative diseases.
“There doesn’t seem to be a downside to tea. First, tea has less caffeine. It’s pretty well established the flavonoids in tea – are good for the heart and may reduce cancer.”
- Many teas contain dangerous ingredients.
- most major brands contain fluoride, use a chemical to bleach the tea bags, and the leaves sprayed with carcinogenic pesticides.
Tea meditation:
- Pay attention to the sound of the water heating and boiling in the kettle. Hear its bubbling and gurgling…. see wisps of steam coming from the spout?? Be open to your senses, rather than try to analyze what’s happening.
- Pouring the tea, watch the color of the water change as it meets the teabag. When your mind wanders into thought, gently return your attention to sensing.
- Lifting the teabag out with a spoon, feel, the weight of the bag dropping away as you tip it into the bin.
- Notice the warming of the cup that contains the hot liquid. How do your hands feel as you hold it?
- Bring the cup to your lips.
- Take a sip. Savor the taste—is it pleasant?
- Stay present to the swallowing.
- Pause and noticing a sense of peace or stillness within
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Saturday Feb 02, 2019
The ABC's of CBD
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Live Right Now - Episode 025 – The ABC’s of CBD
This Week Chef Wendell and Allan sit down with Rick Montieth and Stephanie Burner from Georgetown Market in Indianapolis to talk about CBD Oil.
For more information about CBD you can go to Stephanie’s articles on the Dreem Nutrition Blog.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0