
Thursday May 17, 2018
Cereal Killers
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 004 – Cereal Killers
Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine declared, “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine shall be thy food.” Einstein predicted, “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” What’s happened?
If you studied the history of the Industrial Revolution and Rockefeller, then you know an unconscionable decision was made to use manmade petroleum-based drugs rather than allowing nature to prevent disease: an ugly divorce from God’s perfect pharmacy. But trusting Americans fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Before then, man’s pharmacy was sourced from plant medicines. Your daily life and wellbeing depends on plants: the backbone of all life on Earth and an indispensable resource for mankind.
However, it’s turned out to be a disastrous, money-centric decision as lives and dreams were and are destroyed while chronic disease rates soar unchecked into the 21st Century. Knowing how to hunt and forage, start a campfire and cook is a basic, primal human skill essential for survival. Otherwise you are handing your health to a corporation who couldn’t possibly care less.
Back to the future: The World Health Organization states, "The use of herbal medicines and phytonutrients or nutraceuticals continues to expand rapidly across the world with many people now resorting to these products for treatment of various health challenges. The use of herbal medicinal products and supplements has increased tremendously over the past three decades with not less than 80% of people worldwide relying on them for some part of primary healthcare.” What is it they know that we do not?
The use of plant medicines to heal or combat illness is as old as civilization. We receive a bountiful rainbow of gifts from God’s plants, most of them beneficial for our health and absolutely crucial to mind, body, and spiritual existence. Alas, two or three previous convenience-addicted generations became a little “I love you lazy”, nuked lifeless food in unholy, destructive microwaves, and didn’t model good behavior of scratch cooking. Sad. If we don’t teach our kids, who will? Toni the Tiger? Poppin’ Fresh? Gordon Ramsey?
Lazy, disconnected humans need fertilizer just like plants. Without highly energetic nourishment we get sick, whither, perish from a lack of what life requires to survive and return to the earth. Get thy lazybones into thy kitchen.
Early on, like street drug pushers, Kellogg's and C.W. Post realized people love and can be easily addicted to sugar; and that kids really, really like sugar. Processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar-loaded, processed grain cereals should never be fed to kids, adults nor the walking dead.
Kellogg invented breakfast accidently when they were actually trying to create a bread replacement for inmates at the Battle Creek (Mich.) Sanatorium. Created as a “health food,” (wink, wink) the Kellogg brothers added processed sugar to the mix, then predatory marketing executives got busy and the rest is dark history.
Cardiovascular Medicine researchers say children quickly become accustomed to the taste of high-sugar cereals, and find healthier options less appetizing, leading to long-term effects on their precious temple’s health. Some cereals have over 30% of their calories coming from white, crappy sugar and highly processed grains, bad fats, and artificial this and that: the genesis of America’s obesity epidemic and plague of chronic disease.
Beyondthebasicshealthacademy.com report sugar depressed the immune system, increasing the likelihood of obesity, causing inflammation, mood changes, and contributing to the rise of many diseases.
- Kellogg’s Fruit Loops: Sugar, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, modified food starch, annatto, BHT, artificial dyes red #40, 10g of sugar. Fruit Loops with Marshmallows contains 13g.
- Kellogg’s Corn Pops: Sugar and molasses, hydrogenated vegetable oils, annatto, BHT, 9g of sugar.
- Kellogg’s Apple Jacks: Sugar, partially and fully hydrogenated oils, modified food starch, modified corn starch, artificial dyes including red #40, BHT, 10g of sugar.
- Kellogg’s Honey Smacks: Sugar, honey and dextrose, partially and fully hydrogenated oils, soy lecithin, BHT and a whopping 15g of sugar.
- General Mills Lucky Charms: Sugar, corn syrup and dextrose, modified corn starch, trisodium phosphate, artificial dyes red #40, artificial flavor, 10g of sugar.
The Weston Price Foundation explains, “Dry breakfast cereals are produced by a process called extrusion. Cereal makers first create a slurry of grains and then put themin an extruder. The grains are forced out of a little hole at high temperature and pressure. A blade slices off each little flake or shape, which is sprayed with a coating of mostly hydrogenated oil and sugar to save the crunch. Ugh!
- Peanut or almond butter on Ezekiel bread
- Plain yogurt with walnuts, flax seed and nuts
- local eggs with avocado toast
- A fruit and vegetable smoothie.
Just say ‘no’ to Tony the Tiger.
Link to: Let There Be Peace On Earth
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Saturday May 05, 2018
The Weenie the World Awaited
Saturday May 05, 2018
Saturday May 05, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 003 – The Weenie The World Awaited
Often, our favorite childhood foods encourage unwelcome diseases. No need to give them up, simply get into the kitchen, tweak the recipe a bit and no one will know the difference. Most everybody is quite busy these days. We mean well, but often run out of time to cook and compromise with pre-made this and that.
“Sooner than later, we must get back to the kitchen and cook where we control the ingredients and create health. Not turn our health over to a stranger in a food processing factory assembly line” ~Chef Wendell
Hot dogs:
- Children who eat more than 12hot dogs per month have nine times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia, USC epidemiologist in a cancer research journal.
- Hot dogs, bacon, processed meats linked to cancer.
- Men-eating hot dogs, ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer, the World Health Organization's cancer agency report.
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cured-meats/cured-meats-tied-to-childhood- leukemia-risk-idUSTRE50R78120090128
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8167267
- http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=19
- High in fiber and antioxidants, beans aren't just good for the waistline, they may aid in disease prevention, too.
- Cabbage helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
- Cabbage also helps prevent cancer.
- To date, more than 475 studies have examined the role of this cruciferous vegetable in cancer prevention (and in some cases, cancer treatment)
- Cabbage is an antioxidant: one key reason why an increasing number of studies link cabbage intake to decreased risk of several cardiovascular diseases
In this recipe, cabbage and asparagus fight cancer; cilantro removes heavy metals and cauliflower cools the fires of internal inflammation linked with a constellation of largely preventable diseases.
In a food processor :
- ¼ head of cabbage (Please forego the pre-shredded bags of cabbage)
- 6 stalks of asparagus, bottoms trimmed
- 4 cauliflower florets
- 1 carrot (leave skin on)
- 2 green onions, chopped fine
- ½ cup chopped cilantro leaves and stems
- 2 tbs. grapeseed mayonnaise
- Juice of one fresh lime or lemon
- Himalaya salt and black pepper to taste
Cut veggies into smaller pieces before processing. Pulse all veggies in food processor. Do not over pulse, however. Place chopped veggies into a mixing bowl, squeeze in the lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt and pepper and whisk / blend. Keep chilled.
- 2-pouches / cans drained white beans-fiber
- 1 pkg. meat-free hot dogs cut into bite-size pieces
- 2 cups tomato puree (try boxed rather than canned)
- 1/2 cup raw honey
- 2 tbsp. tamari
- 1 small onion, diced
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
- 1/8 tsp. red pepper flakes
- 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
Toss everything into a sauté pan and simmer briefly over medium heat till onions cook down. Stir often. Add the drained beans, cut franks and gently simmer for 5 minutes max. Too thick, add a bit of water. Serve with a generous side of Cole slaw.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
A Date With Magnesium
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 002 – A Date With Magnesium
Naturally high in magnesium, juicy, sweet dates are gaining popularity as a quick, healthy snack, or incorporated into desserts. Obtaining adequate magnesium through diet, supplements, or both can both prevent and reverse heart disease.
No pill’s going to cure your ills! “Mother nature spent billions of years perfecting her healing and health-sustaining garden apothecary” Chef Wendell
- Some estimates suggest over 90% of Americans are magnesium deficient.
- Deficiency symptoms: heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, dizziness, ED, fatigue, anxiety and panic attacks.
- The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine indicated long-term magnesium deficiency makes you twice (2X) as likely to die as other people.
- A 10-year study found low magnesium levels contributed more to heart disease than did cholesterol or even saturated fat.
- Getting adequate magnesium through diet and supplements can both prevent heart disease in most people and reverse heart disease
- Anti-inflammatory
- Reduces blood pressure
- Reduced stroke risk(The Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
- Magnesium is in dark chocolate, dates, avocados, nuts and seeds, beans, bananas.
Dates are great for:
- Weight loss
- Relieving constipation, supporting regular bowel movements.
- Prevent hemorrhoids, reducing colitis risk, and prevent colon cancer
- Lowers blood pressure
- Promoting heart health and reduce heart disease risk.
- Treating Iron-deficiency anemia
- Impotence? Magnesium can improve ED.
- Promoting respiratory health
- Treating chronic arthritis
Try this great date recipe!
1 cup pitted medjool dates
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup ground flax seeds-fiber and omega-3
Pinch of Himalayan salt
Food processor
Chocolate dipping sauce:
1/3 cup ‘dark’ chocolate (chips or a chopped bar)
1/2 tsp. unrefined coconut oil
- Pre-heat oven to 400°F. Spread shredded coconut onto a baking sheet for toasting. Place in oven for 5-10 minutes, until coconut is a light golden-brown color.
- Please stay in the kitchen to watch the coconut, as it can quickly go from toasted to burnt. Or toast the coconut in a pan on the stove-top.
- Add dates and toasted coconut into the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until mixture is combined and starts to form a ball of dough.
- Remove from food processor; roll 1 tablespoon size pieces of dough into a ball and then shape into a round cookie.
- Place all cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment and transfer to the freezer to harden up a bit.
Chocolate Sauce: Unlike grocery syrups and sauces full of corn syrup, emulsifiers, and refined sugar, this sauce has vitamins and antioxidants.
- While cookies are in the freezer, add chocolate and coconut oil to a double boiler over medium heat, and melt increments until chocolate is thin enough to drizzle.
- Remove cookies from the freezer and dip / coat each one in the chocolate. Place cookies on the parchment. Transfer cookies back into the freezer for 10-15 minutes to let the chocolate firm up.
- Once hardened it’ll be easy removing cookies from the parchment paper. If you want to enjoy right away, let them sit out on the counter for a few minutes.
- Store sealed in a container in the fridge for up to one week.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Good Oil Bad Oil
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
How to get good fats and vitamins into a simple, complete family meal
Here’s a simple meal that will get healthy fats and nourishing vitamins onto your family’s dinner plate. Good tomato sauces for pasta begin in the sauté pan with quality healthy cooking oil and lots of garlic. Combined with a dark leafy-green garden salad with a variety of vegetables and you’ve got a vitamin pill on a plate.
- Jarred pasta sauces are convenient but can be hiding sugar or HFCS. Scratch is so much better.
- Tomatoes: A study published in the journal “Neurology” reported that men who ate more lycopene had a lower risk of strokes.
- Potential to prevent prostate cancer,
- Tomato sauce contains vitamin C, iron and fiber
- For sautéing and salad dressings, many switched to avocado oil after learning the extra virgin on the grocer’s shelves, isn’t so extra virgin according to some reports. (60 Minutes “Olive Oil” report)
Avocado oil:
- Shown to help decrease triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure. reduces risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Anti-inflammatory reduces arthritis pain.
- A good source of vitamin E
Note: Omega-6.
- Practice moderation with grapeseed and other nut and seed oils which are high Omega-6. Eat an equal balance of omega-6 to omega-3.
- Increases inflammation.
Pasta with garlic, tomato sauce, fresh basil and parmesan
1-pound pasta, cooked to package instructions-(I prefer Barilla Plus)
4 tbsps. EVOO or avocado oil
8 cloves of garlic, minced-anti-cancer
½ tsp. ea. Himalayan salt and black pepper
½ tsp. hot pepper flakes
1 small can tomato concentrate-lycopene
1 cup water
1 package of fresh basil, julienned
In a large sauté pan, add oil, garlic, pepper flakes and black pepper and gently simmer over medium heat for several minutes. Don’t walk away.
Add tomato concentrate and water then mix / whisk thoroughly.
Reduce to low heat and simmer for 1 minute. Adjust salt and pepper.
Add pasta, gently toss to coat.
Served topped with fresh basil leaves, ground fax or chia seed, and parmesan cheese or nutritional yeast flakes.
(Bonus Recipes!)
Garden “Vitamin” Salad
Dark leafy greens (Baby kale, spring greens, spinach)
Zucchini, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower and broccoli florets, diced raw beets, and red onion
Sliced avocado-good fat
Chia or ground flax seed-Omega 3, fiber and plus protein
Basic salad dressing (ball jar)
½ cup extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil-vitamin E and antioxidant
3-4 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or red wine vinegar-alkaline
1 tsp. Dijon
¼ tsp. ear Himalayan salt and black pepper
1 tbsp. sweet onion
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia found on the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Live Right Now Introduction
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Welcome to the Live Right Now podcast with author, speaker and Chef, Wendell Fowler and the official ringer of the Fiber Bell, Producer Allan! This is where food and faith come together in a recipe for mindful living as we talk about how we can Live Right Now! In this episode we introduce you to the ideas that will be discussed as the Live Right Now podcast moves forward. We believe that your body is a Holy Temple and what you put in your temple through your mouth as well as through your mind, matters. What you eat makes a difference to how you feel, think, and exist in the world. You can’t reach your highest potential and let your light shine in the world fully until you look at food for what it is and how it is nourishing you. If you are mindful of how you live and what goes into your mind and your thoughts and if you are mindful of what goes into your body through your food you can live a better life and then you can begin to Live Right Now.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia found on the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0