
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Dietary Psychiatry
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 014 - Dietary Psychiatry
Dietary Psychiatry: malnutrition and cognitive function
After locking my keys inside the car while it was still running and Sandra rolling over one morning asking, “Who are you and why are you in my bed”; both in our early 70’s, we acknowledged our mental health is indeed fading. But seriously, there is mounting acceptance on the use of food and supplements to provide essential nutrients as part of a treatment for mental health disorders relating to depression, cognitive function, and dementia. As we age, memory blips will increase, although you needn’t put out the welcome mat.
Widespread senior malnutrition in America is serious biz. According to the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging, 1 in 4 older Americans has poor nutrition… in America, in the 21st century.
Looking back, I’m certain the quality of Mom’s late life would’ve have been richer if she’d chosen or been encouraged to eat more than a processed deli turkey sandwich on nasty white bread with Miracle Whip and a sweet pickle every day, 365 days a year. A paper napkin has more nutrition for goodness sake. Saturated fat, white flour, chemical preservatives, and sugars fertilize mental decline and starve the cells of much needed vitamin nutrition.
All life’s food choices profoundly affect their mental health. The NIH reports a lack of wholesome vitamin nutrition from fresh, not canned, frozen or processed institutional food, contributes to the onset of poor mental health in people suffering from anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Because we’ve become somewhat disconnected from the garden since the Industrial Revolution and plugged in to “Man’s egoic genetically manipulated version of a garden”, modern seniors are woefully deprived in foods and nutrients considered “brain food”: omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fish, flax and chia seeds, walnuts, cholesterol (yes cholesterol), D-3, B-complex, especially B12.
Regarding cholesterol, aka, brain food, at least a dozen reports show the risk of suicide may be substantially higher in people with low cholesterol. In a French study that tracked 6,393 men, published in the September 1996 issue of the British Medical Journal, those with low cholesterol were three times more likely than the other men to kill themselves. A link between low cholesterol and depression has turned up in other studies. Hmm? cholesterol was never really the health boogeyman the medical community made it out to be. Your brain needs cholesterol to grow new nerve cells and for these nerve cells to work properly. And when your brain is deprived of cholesterol, things don’t go so well up there. In fact, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center say without enough cholesterol, you may even develop serious brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Of course, "Physical exercise has the best evidence for preserving memory and mental function with aging," says R. Scott Turner, MD, PhD, director of the Memory Disorders Program at Georgetown University Medical Center
In a world where we’ve been programmed to let others form our thoughts and opinions, we’ve long forgotten who calls the shots and knows what’s best, and it’s not a food corporation. We’ve departed the road of nutritional righteousness: disconnected earth’s apothecary. It’s happened so slowly we’ve not noticed how far we’ve strayed from the perfect plant-based diet or cells understand. Man cannot outsmart the mechanics of a universe he’s incapable of understanding and will never improve on Mother Earth.
During this magnificent golden period of your life, give extra consideration to what foods you choose to eat. You were gifted one strong, sacred and beautiful temple by the One Divine Mind. Embrace it with dietary self-love. Choose to focus your thoughts on remaining the clear-headed, beautiful unique being you are for as long as you can and not lock your keys in the idling car or waking up next to a stranger.
- A divorce from nature-disconnected to source
- Start paying attention to how eating different foods makes you feel — not just in the moment, but the next day. Try eating a “clean” plant food diet for two to three weeks.
- Cut out all processed foods and sugar.
- Add fermented foods like kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, pickles, or kombucha.
- try going dairy-free —
- Some feel better when their diets are grain-free. See how you feel. Then slowly introduce foods back into your diet, one by one, and see how you feel.
- Studies show when people take probiotics (supplements containing the good bacteria), their anxiety levels, perception of stress, and mental outlook improve, compared with people who did not take probiotic (Lancet and Harvard.)
- Folate is especially promising for depression-Dark leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower, citrus, beans, peas, lentils, avocado, seeds and nuts, beets.
- Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a major building block in optimal brain chemistry.
- Americans get adequate amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, we often come up short in omega-3s.
- Without enough omega-3s, "you tend to not transmit nerve signals properly, "When your brain isn't running properly, you can feel depressed or anxious.
- Vitamin D helps combat anxiety and depression. A 2008 study of 441 overweight and obese men and women in Norway found that those given 20,000 and 40,000 IUs per week of vitamin D supplements had significantly less depression symptoms after one year than those in a placebo group.
- Mild depression is an imbalance of brain neurotransmitters-natural chemicals that can act as mood enhancers by helping transmit signals between brain cells.
- A 2004 Danish study of 140 people found that those who were clinically depressed had low levels of vitamin B6 in their blood.
- If upping serotonin levels through B6 and B3 doesn't help, turning to vitamin B12 plus folic acid,
- A 2002 Dutch study of nearly 4,000 elderly people backs up this suggestion: Researchers found that many of those who had depression symptoms also had vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Richest among all the vitamin B complex foods are milk, yeast, liver, whole-grain cereals, nuts, eggs, yogurt, fruits, meats and leafy vegetables.
- B-Complex sources: Sublingual B-12
- Pork, berries, legumes, lean meats. Nuts, soy milk (Vitamin B1)
- Eggs, dark green vegetables, fish, grains, lean meat, mushrooms (B2)
- Sunflower seeds, tuna, poultry, potato, cottage cheese, liver (B3)
- Organ meats, avocados, broccoli, mushrooms(B5)
- Green beans, whole grains, spinach, fish, bananas(B6)
- Soy products, egg yolks, fish, organ meats, cheese, sweet potatoes(B7)
- Green leafy vegetables, citrus juice, legumes, tofu, tomato juice (B9)
- Milk, fish, fortified breakfast cereal, eggs, shellfish (B12)
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Why A Plant Based Diet?
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 013 – Why A Plant Based Diet
After an angel visitation, I improved each day after being bluntly informed by cardiologists, “Get prepared, you’re going to die Mr. Fowler”. I made deals with God that if I overcame this, I’d use my culinary skills to teach my chronically ill brothers and sisters the value of eating a plan-based food (PBF) from the garden, not man’s arrogant attempts to graft the hand of God.
Humans are, always have been, and always will be omnivorous. Although, eating mass quantities of diet sodas, sugary pastries, candy, fast food, refined grains, and plenty of dead animals embodies the red, white, and blue American way, it has sown the seeds of sickness and sadness. Discouraged to place food in context with disease, society has become comfortable and accepts chronic disease as a normal progression of aging. Normal to be sick and unfulfilled and never reach your highest self?
The CDC states, more than two-thirds of adults are obese and our kids are catching up. The average American inhales 270 pounds of meat a year--double USDA recommendations. It’s just too much animal protein for our temple to process. Plus, there is no significant vitamin nutrition or fiber in meat. Just protein, five B-complex vitamins, some iron and calories.
An environmentally-friendly PBD emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods, limits or avoids animal products, focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, an occasional egg, minimal dairy, but little meat. A PBD rejects refined foods like white AP flour, sugar, white rice, and processed hydrogenated oils.
Large studies found those who consume a healthy non-GMO PBD sourced from your community farmer’s market helped them to lose weight, create mental and physical health and showed a significantly lower risk of developing heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, and diabetes. How much more proof do you need before connecting the dots and reprogramming your thinking?
“Now” is the perfect time to sell yourself on the self-compassionate, health creating, peace-filled lifestyle of eating from God’s verdant earthly apothecary. America is suffering from malnutrition like the 3rd world countries we plunder and diminish. Begin waking up from blindly accepting man’s failed food system. Perfect health and happiness are your divine right. Reconnect to earth and make it so.
Stroll through your community farmer’s market’s abundance and harvest a kaleidoscope of garden goodness fresh from the vine, pleading to be used as vitamin nutrition, energy and sacred medicine. That’s the way God planned it.
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Something To Chew On
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 012 – Something To Chew On
When we eat a variety of plant-based foods, there is a multi-vitamin pill with minerals on every plate… literally right under our noses, yet most vegephobia, disconnected, pharma-worshiping Americans needlessly suffer from “managed “diseases of vitamin deficiency: the irony of modern society,
In a fast-paced, multitasking, “I’m-too-important-busy” non-stop life…chronic disease rates continue to soar unimpeded. Too many disconnected, beautiful souls are unaware or have forgotten that digestion and a healthy Earth Suit begins in the mouth with mindful chewing, not gulping.
When good souls finally awaken from their slumber and reconnect, suddenly, proper chewing and digestion of real, living foods from natures apothecary becomes most relevant, considering since the beginning of time, vitamins have been sourced by all lifeforms from natures sacred apothecary. The Industrial Revolution made sure we made the unholy disconnect. Western Society has had an ugly divorce from nature and have willingly, or blindly accepted vitamin-deficient, manmade, genetically modified food-like-substances, rather than the rainbow of plant-foods designated by the divine intelligence of all that is.
In our fast-paced world, too many beautiful souls are unaware or have forgotten that digestion begins in the mouth with mindful chewing, not gulping. To create health, slow down and thoroughly chew each mouthful to absorb the most vitamins, minerals, highly-vibrational energy and other Phyto-nutrients from your food.
To create and sustain health, slow down and thoroughly chew each mouthful to absorb the most vitamins, minerals, highly-vibrational energy and other Phyto-nutrients from your food.
Slow down for goodness sake! You weren’t brought up by a snarling pack of wolves.
No one’s going to rip it away. Take in and exhale three deep breaths. Be in the moment and appreciate the universe on your plate. Focus on your food’s source, texture, color, and aroma. Know that this fresh food is feeding, not depleting your sacred wholeness.
Mindful chewing helps your Earth Suit break down food-easier to extract and absorb more nutrients and energy from food. Thorough chewing food– at least 20 times- maximizes vitamin absorption allowing digestive enzymes to saturate the food and begin the process of breaking down starches into sugars.
And let’s not forget gratefulness. Give thanks to whoever your God may be and of course the cook. The Earth Suit is a sacred vehicle transporting us on our life journey. The only one you get. Treat it as such. Do you not owe it to yourself to reach your highest calling?
For more from Chef Wendell including the “Eat Right Now” books and info on how to book Chef Wendell to speak to your group go to http://www.chefwendell.com.
To connect with the Live Right Now Podcast “like” our Facebook page or email us at LiveRightNowRadio@gmail.com.
The Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Aug 27, 2018
How Sweet It is
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 011 – How Sweet It Is!
Artificial Sweeteners: Pink, Blue and Yellow deception
Questionable, yet widely consumed for decades, artificial sweeteners are a creation of man for people who cannot eat sugar or wish to reduce sugary foods. Artificial sweeteners are in a dizzying array of things like frou-frou coffee, baked goods, toothpaste, mouthwash, gum and nicotine gum, yogurt, children’s chewable vitamins, and on and on.
Lulled to sleep by a 100-year fairy tale, you’ve been obediently sleepwalking; comfortable in a stupor of blind obedience to a food system that doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Your birthright of health is under attack by unholy compounds not meant to enter your holy temple.
Sigh… choosing man over God seems to be today’s egoic mantra considering Mother Gaia has provided virtually everything humankind needs to live abundantly. We are a peculiar species with an unquenchable ego that deliberately chooses man’s creations over Gods. Ignoring everything divine mother nature generously provided from the garden to sustain health, repair and rebuild our temples.
You needn’t look further than the Earth’s garden for raw honey, maple or brown rice syrup, date and coconut sugars, xylitol, stevia, organic agave, fruit concentrates, and yacon syrup.
Sweet n’ Low, AKA, saccharin, the Latin word for sugar, was accidently discovered in 1897 by a John’s Hopkins researcher seeking new uses for coal tar derivatives. Coal tar is a byproduct of the production of coke, a solid fuel that contains mostly carbon, and coal gas.
Splenda, which has a chlorinated base like DDT, was discovered in 1976 when a British scientist misheard instruction about testing a substance. Instead, he tasted it, realizing it was highly sweet. Fast forward: Case Western Reserve University of Medicine reports Splenda promotes “bad” bacteria and intestinal inflammation in human patients. Their study found over a short period, Splenda worsened gut inflammation with mice with Crohn’s-like symptoms. At high temperatures, sucralose may break down and generate harmful, cancerous substances.
According to the online patent, aspartame / Nutra Sweet, is created from GMO e coli bacteria. Yeppers, bugs are cultivated and fed so they’ll poop proteins that contain the amino acid used to make aspartame. Really? Your Nutra Sweet can cause headaches, memory loss, seizures, induce brain tumors, vision loss, coma and cancer and interact with all antidepressants, L-dopa, coumadin, hormones, insulin, cardiac meds, and worsens symptoms of fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue and depression. Fooled again. Not much love here.
Links mentioned in the show:
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2309727
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16507461
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17805418
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308814609005378
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18800291
- https://www.livestrong.com/article/444353-negative-effects-of-artificial-sweeteners/
- A Brief and Bizarre History of Artificial Sweeteners
- Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame
- Artificial Sweetener Splenda Could Intensify Symptoms in Those with Crohn’s Disease
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Mo Hotta Mo Betta!
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 010 – Mo Hotta Mo Betta
Friends, you ‘all just gotta’ wake up. Clearly, the rest of the world knows more about preventing chronic disease with nature’s ‘farmacy’ than we do. Capsaicin, the stuff that makes peppers hot is an example. Since chili peppers are not a part of our Midwest tradition, Hoosiers have wimpy taste buds for hot, mouth-searing, albeit health-stimulating peppers flavoring their food. Excluding a cocktail party when inebriated men exhibit their machismo by seeing who can eat the hottest pepper.
When capsaicin is consumed in a slightly diluted form, such as in hot sauce, chili peppers or cayenne peppers, it offers a myriad of health benefits. The hotter the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains.
World cultures who use hot peppers liberally in their meals have significantly lower rates of heart attack and stroke than cultures that do not. Capsaicin may help to protect the heart by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and platelet aggregation.
"Capsaicin inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cells in petri dishes and mice," says lead researcher at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. A study published in Cancer Research found capsaicin caused cancer cells to commit suicide.
A topical form of capsaicin is used for osteoarthritis pain and alleviating pain from diabetic neuropathy. Capsaicin is a potential treatment for arthritis and psoriasis. Studies have found that capsaicin relieves and prevents cluster headaches, migraine headaches and sinus headaches.
When I’m congested, among other natural treatments, I eat food spiced with hot peppers. Capsaicin stimulates secretions that help clear mucus from your nose, thus relieving nasal congestion. Capsaicin has potent antibacterial properties that fight and prevent chronic sinusitis too.
We must address the root cause. Why treat just the symptoms? Why hush our temple’s way of telling us something’s wrong? That’s illogically insane. We’ve been pharmaceutically disconnected from mother nature; told plant-based naturopathic medicine is hokum and trained, yes trained, by aggressive TV advertising to, despite the horrific side effects, obediently take a pill and the symptoms will disappear. Really? Perhaps, but the source still exists… you just don’t hear your temple’s screams for help.
Add more chili pepper spice to our life. Keep a container of powdered cayenne or hot pepper flakes on the table right next to the pepper mill, so you and your family can add a pinch of extra spice to any of your meals. Chili peppers burn your butt? Small price to pay. And BTW, they are not intended to be used as suppositories.
Some Hot Pepper facts:
- People who love fiery food have been dubbed pyro-gourmaniacs.
- Chile peppers are perhaps the first plants to be domesticated in Central America, where there is evidence that they were consumed in 7500 BC
- I’m on fire. What can I do?
- When handling peppers, especially if it is a pepper you have never used before, wear gloves. Some oils can blister skin or result in an allergic reaction. My story.
- The best way to ease the burn of flaming hot peppers or overly-spicy mustard of horseradish is with cold milk or yogurt.
- Avoid water as it won’t mix with the oil and will only result in moving the heat to other parts of your mouth
- Cayenne, jalapeños, tabasco, birdseye chili, habañeros, and Scotch bonnets all contain capsaicin.
- Health: Weight Loss: capsaicin helps burn fat by consuming energy, also known as fat. The occasional boost of the hot stuff can significantly increase your fat burning.
- Capsaicin and vitamins A & C Hot peppers aid in the dissolution of fibrin, a necessary component for blood clots. These vitamins also strengthen blood vessels, which helps them adjust to fluctuations in blood pressure.
- Hot peppers provide plenty of vitamins your body needs including; vitamins A, C, K, B6 and folate. Vitamin C does pack one hell of a punch, with a whopping 10% in just one pepper
- Capsaicin may have benefit as an anti-inflammatory; headache and migraine relief. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, hot peppers may also be able to reduce swelling associated with arthritis and asthma,
- Have you ever eaten spicy food and found that suddenly your stuffy nose was clear?
- Stuffed up? Capsaicin will also clear out congested nasal passages like nothing else and is helpful in treating sinus-related allergy symptoms
- Studies have shown capsaicin reduces sinus symptoms, such as nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, coughing, and mucous production.
- Capsaicin sprays desensitize the mucous membranes in the nose, making them less irritated by airborne particles and quickly relieving symptoms of allergies and sinus congestion. By stimulating secretions to help clear mucus, these sprays prevent allergy triggers while keeping your nasal passages moist, clean, and free of bacteria.
- "Capsaicin possesses powerful antibacterial properties and is very effective in fighting and preventing chronic sinus infections.
- Small daily doses of capsaicin have even been shown to prevent chronic nasal congestion."
- Hospitals, universities and clinics around the world are using capsaicin for chronic headache patients with outstanding results. The all-natural ingredients relax the muscles and blood vessels around the eyes and forehead, providing fast relief.
- People have been using hot and spicy seasonings in their food for more than 6,000 years according to archaeologists.
- Christopher Columbus discovered chili peppers when he discovered the Americas in 1493.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Soy: Perfect Food or Evil Imposter?
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 009 – Soy: Perfect Food or Evil Imposter?
What’s square, white, jiggles, weighs about eight ounces, can make you gag, and often can clear a room in ten seconds?
The answer is, tofu, or soy bean curd. This often-maligned product has been known to strike dread in the hearts of the bravest culinary souls, paralyzing them in fear at its mere mention. (Not wholly unlike the feeling you might get when receiving notification of an IRS audit.) Flash back to the flower children of the mid and late 1960s, when a rumor wafted through the grease-filled air that the Golden Arches folks used a sinister form of fibrous soybeans as filler in their burgers. “Ai-ee! Hack! P-tooey! We’ve been poisoned!” In retrospect, what we should have protested instead was the saturated-fat-laden bovine tallow used to deep-fry those golden, salt-covered French fries. (Just as an FYI, though, McDonalds and Taco Bell have indeed been using soy products as filler for decades. Nevertheless, don’t expect to see the International House of Bean Curd popping up soon.)
So how many centuries have people been eating tofu? Tradition has it that tofu was invented by Liu An (179–122 B.C.), a prince of the Han Dynasty, supposedly while searching for a substance to help him achieve immortality. But way before then, in 2838 B.C., Chinese Emperor Cheng Nung developed soy cultivation. Soybeans did not, however, grace American soil until Samuel Bowen brought it to the continent and Henry Yonge planted the first soy crop on his farm in Thunderbolt, Georgia, in 1765. Did Henry know when he sowed the seeds of soy he would be saving us from the sorrow of serious sickness and senility? Somebody let a snake loose?
New findings are out about tofu and soy products, however, and as I painfully sift through the mountains of information on the subject, I have to ask myself, “Is it actually—gasp!—bad for us?”
After decades of aggressive research and marketing and touting the wiggly curd as a miracle cure-all for many of humanity’s maladies, I wonder, alas, is the honeymoon over? Is mass tofu-phobia justified? Can tofu really make your brain shrivel and encourage dementia and breast cancer? What’s with that? For a substance that has been providing nourishment for humans for so many years, this Rodney Dangerfield of food is getting no respect.
But what I’m placing in your to-go bag is whether we should be alarmed about these new studies regarding the safety of eating tofu, or is this junk science? Is it safe to continue making tofu a foundation of our diet? Ignorance may be bliss, but information is a powerful tool, so let’s look objectively at both sides of the issue, and, as my Mom would have said, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” We need to encourage more funding for further studies and season our own judgment with a generous helping of knowledge. I'd like to emphasize that in every study I looked at showing beneficial effects, the study was either sponsored by the soy industry, or the authors had some kind of financial ties to the soy industry. Follow the money, as they say.
When asked about the validity of tofu-phobia, the Indiana Soybean Board responded passionately with this reassurance: “Wendell, I think the important thing is that overreacting and taking things out of context is the biggest problem...Asians have been eating soy foods for centuries and undoubtedly there is no evidence that they have less cognitive function.” Yes, but they were not GMO! And, contrary to what you may have heard, Asians do not consume large amounts of soy. They use small amounts as a condiment (about two teaspoons daily), but not as a primary protein source. And the type of soy they consume is traditionally fermented soy.
Soybean crops are also heavily sprayed with chemical herbicides, such as glyphosate (Round-up), which researchers have found to be carcinogenic. The herbicide has been the subject of controversy for years once it became known it causes serious health problems, including endocrine disruption, allergies, asthma, autism-spectrum disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, rhinitis, obesity, leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of cancer.
One of the primary reasons it would be wise for you to avoid soy is more than 90 percent of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified. Since the introduction of genetically engineered foods in 1996, we’ve had an upsurge in low birth weight babies, infertility, and other problems in the U.S., and animal studies have shown devastating effects from genetically engineered soy including allergies, sterility, birth defects, and offspring death rates up to five times higher than normal. Soybean crops are also heavily sprayed with chemical herbicides, such glyphosate which a French team of researchers have found to be carcinogenic.
Glyphosate, the world’s most widely (vilified) used herbicide linked to Monsanto’s Roundup Ready genetically engineered crops, has been found at alarming levels in a wide range of best-selling foods across the U.S., Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project announced Monday.
The results published in this report are from the first independent glyphosate residue testing of popular American food products performed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), the regulatory recognized “gold standard testing methods at an FDA registered laboratory.
These newest findings also come as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) postponed hearing which were due to explore glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. Last year, 17 leading global cancer experts from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) sparked a firestorm when they classified glyphosate as a class 2A “probable human carcinogen.
On the heels of the growing controversy surrounding glyphosate’s safety, this unique testing project that started in 2015, has so far found alarming levels of glyphosate in General Mills’ Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran and Frosted Flakes and PepsiCo’s Doritos Cool Ranch, Ritz Crackers and Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips, as well as many more famous products at levels that present significant risks according to the latest independent peer-reviewed science on glyphosate. Detoxproject.org
Soybeans — even organically grown soybeans — naturally contain “antinutrients” such as saponins, soyatoxin, phytates, trypsin inhibitors, goitrogens and phytoestrogens. Traditional fermentation destroys these antinutrients, which allows your body to enjoy soy’s nutritional benefits. However, most Westerners do not consume fermented soy, but rather unfermented soy, mostly in the form of soymilk, tofu, TVP, and soy infant formula. Mercola.com
Fermented Soy Probiotics versus Unfermented
Many types of fermented foods are very good for our gastrointestinal tracts, helping to keep points A through Z flowing and in good working order, which is imperative for optimum health. Soybeans are among those foods that are best whether fresh or fermented. Fermented non-GMO organic soy products such as tempeh and miso are much easier for our Earth Suits to digest than processed silken tofu products.
Tempeh, a fermented soybean product that comes in cakes, is made from whole soybeans and has a nutty, smoky flavor and is similar to mushrooms in texture. At our home we us it to cook sloppy joes, barbecue, Cajun “steaks,” Caesar salad protein, spaghetti sauce, taco filling, and chili. The grandkids love it, and sneaky chef that I am, I don’t tell them how good it is for them!
Four ounces of cooked tempeh contains 17 grams of protein, a mere 204 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and 8 grams of (good) fat. Plus, it’s full of calcium, iron, zinc, and fiber. It’s so much better for you than the same size portion of steak, and doesn’t contain artery-clogging saturated fats, antibiotics, and growth hormones so commonly found in factory farmed beef.
A plethora of reasons to make soy the center of our diets abounds. In 2001 in San Diego, California, at the Fourth International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease, a mutually agreed-upon conclusion was reached: Non-GMO, organic Soy may possibly have a positive effect on cognitive function. Two preliminary research studies presented at the symposium showed that soy actually improved several aspects of cognitive function, especially verbal memory. Hopefully, this good news will alleviate any concerns you’ve had about the soy-and-dementia issue. The Soy Board reminds people to keep things in perspective. The negative effects were found only in an epidemiological study; however, animal studies suggest just the opposite—soy has beneficial effects on cognitive function.” Hmm?
This is somewhat contrary with what Dr. Lon Wright of the Pacific Health Research Institute presents. He has conducted a study of 3,734 middle-aged Japanese-American men that indicates that eating tofu more than twice a week may be linked to dementia. White’s theory is that the phytoestrogens in tofu interfere with the brain’s estrogen receptors and keep the brain from properly using estrogen. His article appeared in an edition of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. But listen to this: He says, “I would be violating a cardinal rule if I said my data says you shouldn’t eat tofu [or other soy foods].” Ah-hah! White emphasizes this data can’t be turned into sweeping conclusions, and the findings must be considered preliminary. And according to Beverly Creamer, staff writer for a Honolulu advertiser newspaper, “It’s the first time scientists have labeled a dietary risk factor for the disease that affects 2 percent of the nation’s sixty-five-year-olds and up to 16 percent of eighty-year-olds.” Finally, White’s study was based on processed tofu, which is not fermented, and which could be considered another endorsement for the fermented forms of the bean or edamame.
Here’s more spice for the health stew: University of Minnesota scientist Mindy Kurzer, Ph.D., who does extensive research on the humble bean, assures us that there are no data connecting soy and cancer. “There is a theoretical risk that processed soy might promote breast cancer in some way,” Kurzer added, “but it’s purely theoretical at this point.”
Forgo the ubiquitous protein bars made with protein isolate. Side effects of soy protein isolate: In animal studies, soy isolate has been linked to allergies, thyroid problems, and even brain damage. Soy has been labeled one of the top seven allergens for people to avoid, as soy isolate is found in a lot of processed foods, including bread and baked goods, soups and sauces, and breakfast cereals and protein bars. There have also been several studies on soy protein and age-related dementia, although many of those studies have been inconclusive. Wellnesstoday.com
Perhaps the problem is our American lifestyle. Otherwise-healthy Asians who come to live in America ultimately succumb to the same health maladies as native-borns. Is it the pineal gland-trashing fluoridated water, the pesticides, food coloring, preservatives, fungicides on our produce, or our overly polluted environment? Or is it a disconnection from earth.
Consider the negative findings. Until then, open your mind as well as your mouth to the healthy virtues of unprocessed, non-GMO, organic soy products, but don’t go overboard and follow the American mantra, “More is better.” Most of the time, less is more.
Sweet and Spicy Peanut Noodles with Avocado and Kale (Recipe from: Eat Right Now with Chef Wendell Fowler: The Divinity of Food-2017 Lulu Press)
- 1 package tempeh (can substitute firm Tofu if preferred) - cut into cubes-protein
- 3 tbs. coconut oil
- 2 tbsp. wheat-free soy (Tamari)
- 2 tbs. maple syrup or brown rice syrup
- 1 # brown rice noodles or rice noodles
- 2 avocados
- 4 cups chopped kale
- 1 cup fresh or frozen peas
- Green onion, chopped
- Ground flax or chia seed
- 2/4 cups peanut butter
- 3 tbsp. fresh grated ginger
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 3 tbsp. wheat-free soy (Tamari)
- Hot pepper flakes to taste
- Juice of two fresh limes
- 2 tbsp. toasted sesame oil
To Prepare:
- Cook pasta per package instructions, drain and reserve.
- Cut tempeh into 1/2 inch cubes
- In a large sauté pan, heat the coconut oil over medium heat and add the tempeh cubes.
- Sauté gently till the edges begin to brown.
- Add the soy and syrup and cook 4- 5 minutes longer. Set aside to cool. Keep warm however.
- Cook noodles to package instructions
- To make dressing, whisk together the peanut butter, ginger, syrup, soy, lime and sesame oil to a mixing bowl. Too thick? Add water.
- To assemble the dish, fill four bowls with noodles and top with kale, peas, and avocado quarters.
- Pour about 1/4-1/3 cup of dressing of each and garnish with sesame seeds, chia / flax, avocado wedges and green onion.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Jul 23, 2018
The Fiber Bell Workout
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 008 – Fiber Bell Workout
Ring the bell! The CDC reports getting fiber from food or a supplement can reduce inflammation; the silent epidemic. Did you know seven out of ten Americans die each year from chronic diseases? The CDC says inflammation is responsible for heart disease, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and many other diseases. The CDC reports chronic disease is generally triggered by diet, lifestyle habits, and environmental toxins; more than 75% of health care spending.
The benefits of fiber are plentiful. Fiber is good for the heart, may prevent some cancers and now appears to lower C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator of inflammation found in the blood. A high CRP level signals general inflammation and could indicate anything from an infection to rheumatoid arthritis to heart disease.
Web MD and Mayo Clinic suggest:
- Cut back on red meat, dairy, fats and Trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, highly processed carbs. (AP white flour products)
- Eat lean, skinless local chicken
- Avoid refined processed foods
- Watch intake of pasta and white rice
- Eat more fresh fish (Not fried)
- Eat plenty of fresh colorful fruits and vegetables
- Eat Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, fish oil supplements, chia seed and walnuts
- Eat long grain brown rice, quinoa or oats
- Spice food up with ginger, curry, turmeric
Fibrous foods like beans, the poor man’s meat, fill you up but not fill you out. If you’re trying to cut back on meats after the damning report of their link to cancer, and increase your fiber intake, but still want to enjoy your favorite dishes, rethink the bean. Beans are the food mostly likely to get ‘dissed’. Too bad since beans are a rootin’ tootin” source of heavenly human nutrition, protein and fiber.
If you avoid eating beans, evolve and unclench. Society is a bit hung up on a fundamental bodily function. Passing gas is embarrassing for most of us, but you might feel better knowing it's one of the most common bodily functions. Everyone does it, from Hillary Clinton to the Queen of England. Did you know "fart" is one of the oldest words in the English language? We must pass gas or as my grandkids say, we’d explode. Sandi used to ask me where I kept them when we were dating because now I eat beans all the time today. So she got me a t-shirt that says, “Fart Now Loading: Please wait” To no avail, I pointed out farting is healthy, according to scientists at the Mayo Clinic.
So, you don’t eat them because the make you fart? Really? The good of eating beans far outweighs a moment of social impropriety. Fiber in beans may help remove yeast and fungus out of your temple, preventing them from being excreted through your skin where they trigger acne and rashes. Just 30 grams of fiber every day can be the Roto-Rooter of your colon; keeping it clean, clear and flowing like the Fall Creek after a rain storm. A stagnate colon incubates snarky toxins and belly bloat. Not only that, the fiber in beans controls blood sugar and, when eaten with regularity, a high fiber diet reduces heart attack risk by 40%. Researchers found for every 7 grams more fiber you consume daily, your stroke risk is decreased by 7%. Fiber in beans is essential for a healthy digestive tract. A high fiber diet may lower your risk of the pain in the ass (butt) of itchy, burning hemorrhoids.
What you eat has everything to do with your temple’s health. We must overcome our silly, uptight social fears and learn to embrace the fibrous, nutritious bean and a bottle of Beano. Now, let ‘er rip!
Anti-inflammatory Tabbouleh with Quinoa, “Reconstructed”
- ½ cup washed quinoa seed-Protein & FIBER
- 4 tbs. Extra Virgin olive oil-Anti-inflammatory
- 3 cups vegetable stock
- 2 tbs. ground flax or chia seed-FIBER
- 3 green onions, washed and chopped-Anti-cancer
- 3 garlic cloves, minced (Dry won’t cut it)-Anti-Cancer
- 3 cups washed, stemmed and finely chopped Kale
- ¾ cup mint, stemmed and chopped coarsely-Good digestion
- 4 tomatoes, diced-Vitamin C and lycopene
- 1 cucumber, skin on, diced-A, C, and FIBER
- ¼ cups lemon juice (Not from a bottle)-Alkaline and loaded with vitamin C
- Sea salt and black pepper to taste
- Boil quinoa in water and olive oil for 10 minutes, pull off the fire, reserve and let reach room temperature. Do not overcook.
- Toss and fluff quinoa with all the remaining ingredients with a fork. Do not over mix and turn it into mush.
- Enjoy!!
Rainbow Vegetable Salad with Sweet Curry Dressing
- 1 cup loosened cilantro, patted dry, leaves removed, chopped
- 1 cup thinly sliced carrot
- 1 cup each thinly sliced yellow and green zucchini
- 4 green onions, cut into strips
- 8-10 strips of julienned roasted red pepper
- 1 cup pistachio’s
- 1/3 cup tahini
- 1-2 tbs. Curry powder
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 2 tbs. maple syrup or raw honey
- 1/4 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
- dash of sea salt on top
In a small bowl, combine the tahini, lemon juice, maple syrup, curry powder, black pepper, salt and garlic powder. Whisk well.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Inflamation and Acidity
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 007 – Acidity and Inflamation
After presenting my Eat Right Now program to a vibrant senior living community, I walked outside and observed two sweet ladies walking together, each carrying large bottles of Bragg’s Apple Cider. “May I help?” They politely declined, stating if not for the amber liquid, they’d be wracked with arthritis, unable to tend their garden. Both were 90 and claimed drinking this particular brand of ‘living’ vinegar was miraculous.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, considered raw vinegar a powerful elixir and used the “mother” to fight common germs. For thousands of years, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been commonly recognized as the most effective natural remedy for arthritis that can cause chronic inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the fingers, hands, knees, elbows, hips, jaw, and all joints in the temple. It cannot be cured, but you can get sweet relief.
21 Century America is malnourished and acidic: ripe for a host of diseases. Mineral deficiencies exacerbate joint pain. ACV contains the calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus your temple needs to dull that pain. Plus, magnesium helps bones absorb calcium, which is essential to bone strength.
Acidity is also linked to cancer. The book, “Alkalize or die,” supports ACV to have an alkalizing effect on your blood and urine. Even though ACV is acidic, its structure changes to alkaline through the digestive processes. disease thrives in an acidic environment, therefore eating a diet high in alkaline foods is important. Acidic foods like ACV, lemon juice, baking soda, and raw honey are surprisingly alkaline forming. Refined sugar, processed carbs, dairy, and meat create an acidic environment in our temples.
Still considered whacko hokum by many conventional doctors, Naturopaths regard your blood’s pH level an important measure of health. Research confirms the use of urine pH as an indicator of the dietary acid-alkaline load. If your level is too acidic, and your arthritis is screaming, diet modifications are in order. pH strips can be purchased at the pharmacy. You are an amazing miracle. Express gratitude by activating your inner healer.
Alkalizing Apple Cider Vinegar beverage:
- Mix 2 tbsp. Braggs ‘living’ apple cider vinegar into 8 ounces warm, not hot water.
- Add juice of ½ fresh lemon (NOT bottled juice)
- ½ tsp. baking powder
- Drink 2 X daily, preferably on an empty stomach before meals.
- To tweak flavor, add raw (most supermarket “honey” is not honey, but an ultra-filtered deceiver, frequently containing high fructose corn syrup)
Nearly 53 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis; that number is expected to grow to 67 million by 2030.
- Almost 300,000 babies, kids and teens have arthritis or a rheumatic condition.
- Arthritis is the nation’s No. 1 cause of disability.
- 57% of adults with heart disease have arthritis.
- 52% of adults with diabetes have arthritis.
- 44% of adults with high blood pressure have arthritis.
- 36% of adults who are obese have arthritis.
- 1/3 of adults with arthritis age 45 and older have either anxiety or depression.
My dearest achy-breaky, pain-pill-popping pals, you deserve delicious relief. Inflamed Americans limp and hobble under the erroneous belief that arthritis is a natural part of aging. Again, we’ve been hornswoggled. Millions agonize unnecessarily due to some really, really bogus, not-so-erudite medical advice, and the slime of low grade foods oozing from the Western diet.
The word arthritis comes from the Greek arthron meaning "joint" and the Latin itis meaning "inflammation". It can result from youthful sports injuries, aggressive autoimmune response, and infuriating innocent cartilage; the glistening white surface of bone joints. When this gliding surface is no longer intact, agonizing discomfort, swelling and stiffness result. Arthritis affects 46 million and is not inevitably a natural part of aging; rather, it’s years of physical self-abuse or a nutritional deficiency resulting from feed-bagging the gory-awful Standard American Diet of dead food. The reality is the pain of arthritis can be prevented, subdued, and aided thru whole foods nutritional and vitamin supplementation. Anything triggering an immune response also triggers inflammation. Alien foods your immune system recognizes as not belonging in your temple can ignite allergic reactions resulting in joint irritation. Oh, your doctor never told you?
The Nightshades family triggers arthritic pain: eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and white potatoes contain solanine which interferes with enzymes in the muscles causing agony in neighboring joints. Now, add red meats, egg yolks, dairy, wheat gluten, corn, corn syrup, sugar, flour, processed foods, and alcoholic beverages to the list. Especially for individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) the gluten in wheat, oats, barley, and rye are troublemakers. Doctors report a higher than average number of folks with autoimmune disorders who are allergic to gluten. A new study also discovered folks with rheumatoid arthritis have a 50 percent increased risk of diabetes compared to people without arthritis. Get tested for gluten allergies known as Celiac disease.
If you dig milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, or casein and whey in other food fare such as bread or milk chocolate, then you can potentially trigger the symptoms of your food allergy, in this case arthritis. Allergy symptoms may show up hours or even days later, well after a food is absorbed into your delicate ecosystem. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites also trigger an immune response so take a probiotic supplement.
Since we’re primates created for a mostly plant-based diet, many people have limited capacity to digest animal proteins efficiently as they age, so when they eat excessive animal protein the Temple’s ability to cleave all the amino acid bonds is limited. Hence the proteins may not totally break down into amino acid building blocks which lead to the creation of antibodies against themselves; a.k.a. auto immune disease Over 100 types of arthritis are auto immune related diseases the body's immune system becomes lead astray, attacking what it was designed to protect. For those with autoimmune disease everything you place into their temple is either making them healthier or sicker. There’s simply too much research disproving the disease is caused by aging. So, get over yourself and ditch the, “If it dies, it fry’s,” mentality and foods from the 50’s.
Scientific reports reviewed thirty-one studies concluded that fasting, followed by a vegetarian diet, is useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Non-prescription anti-inflammatories include vitamin C, turmeric, ginger, cayenne, glucosamine.
Be mindful it’s never too late to self-manage and douse the conflagration of inflammation with informed dietary modifications and the no-nonsense use of nutritional supplements. Recognizing the relationship between diet and your symptoms can bring blissful relief. Go against societies flow. Take the road less traveled by choosing the dinner fork in road to joyous relief and you’ll enrich your quality of life, shrink medical costs, and liberate your beautiful temple. You can do it. Life ‘s too short to not to feel good with every breath.
Healing Turmeric, Ginger, Apple Cider Tea
There’s been lots of news lately about the amazing healing and detoxing properties of the spice, Turmeric. It a free-radical-fighting antioxidant hailed as defense against both cancer and Alzheimer’s. Ginger is its best friend. In India where turmeric and ginger is part of the daily diet, Alzheimer’s rates are 4 times less than that of the US.
Turmeric, Ginger and Bragg’s Apple Cider vinegar
- Vacuums up free radical debris that can cause a variety of disease.
- It controls damaging inflammation implicated in Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, colitis, IBS, Crohn’s, post-giardia or post salmonella conditions.
- Improves digestion.
- Regulates blood sugar.
- Keeps the body pH alkaline, hence slowing down cancer growth.
- Cleans the pineal gland. (Calcified from fluoride)
- Cleanses the liver overflowing with pharmaceutical toxins.
- Reduce the itching and inflammation of hemorrhoids.
Americans do not use it for the reason it was given to us by creation. In the US we use turmeric to color mustard, cheddar cheese, clothing, butter pickles, and butter.
Turmeric / Apple Cider Tea for Two
Powerful Anti-inflammatory
2 cups tepid water
1 tablespoon organic ginger powder
1 tsp. powdered turmeric-From health food store-not grocery
1/8th tsp. cayenne
¼ cup Bragg’s Cider Vinegar
1 tbs. raw local honey or local maple syrup (Stevia is okay too)
2 Large coffee mugs
- Bring enough water for two tea mugs to a boil. Shut off heat. Add turmeric, ginger and cayenne. Let set for 10 minutes.
- Grab your 2 mugs and add 3 tablespoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother to each cup. Keep the Braggs at room temperature. It’s alive.
- Strain tea into each mug; add raw honey (alkalizing), stir to combine.
- Gravity takes the turmeric to the cup bottom quickly.
- Drink warm and stir frequently between sips because the turmeric gravitates to the bottom-- so keep stirring it up.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Road Tripping
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 006 –Road Tripping
What an adventure it can be traveling the open road. America’s breathtaking beauty makes my soul smile as I cruise down the highway into 360-degree postcards of peacefully grazing livestock, unique old barns, rolling meadows and pastures with meandering streams; lakes blending with the horizon, sun-dappled mountains painted in shades of blue, gray, brown and green rising into a sea of cottony clouds and blue skies speckled with hungry hawks chasing small birds.
I also viewed semi’s barreling and swerving down the road, distracted texters, tailgate bullies, signs warning of drug activity, the potential of hotel bedbugs, leering strangers and creepy bathrooms. I enjoy people-watching. This vacation when stopping for gas at rest stop food courts I surveyed portly folks, ten deep, eagerly waiting in line for fries, burgers, doughnuts, and sugary frou-frou coffees. Conjured up images of insatiable Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors, “Seymore, feed me, I’m hungry!”
It’s clear we’re an obese, sickly bunch of Americans seeking ephemeral moments of pleasure to ease our fears and unhappiness. Crappy food is manufactured to make us feel good, for the moment, as these foods stimulate the holy temple to release dopamine, the feel-good drug. However, if you’re compassionately disciplined with your food choices, traveling can be daunting unless you plan ahead and have a strategy.
Vacations should be a sensible departure from normal daily routines and eating behaviors: to occasionally cheat with a self-promise to lose that 5 pounds, “after I get home.” Sandi and I learned when we make deals with ourselves and depart from our normal way of eating clean and choose to cheat, we’ll pay for it later.
As a rule, we avoid hard-to-digest processed junk food, fizzy sodas, doughnuts, fried animal parts, burgers and fries. Instead we plan ahead and pack what we want to eat to stay alert and energetic as we cruise so when we arrive at or destination we’re not diminished, sleepy, bitchy and dehydrated. When our packed food runs out, we google the closet grocery store exit and purchase hummus, almond butter, Ezekiel bread, salsa, guacamole, fresh fruit, sugar-free juices, veggie sticks and nuts. To prevent dehydration’s snarky side effects, we opt for Kombucha and water, but no caffeine. On your next road trip, avoid the dead food outlets that line America’s highways and eventually your arteries. For a memorable, energetic vacation, have a plan, do your best and maybe listen to my #LiveRightNow Podcast on iTunes.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
The Age of Asparagus
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Live Right Now - Episode 005 – The Age of Asperagus
Asparagus is one of the most nutritional, well-balanced veggies. Grilled or baked asparagus has been one of my go-to veggies for years now. It's easy, tasty, it's oh so good for you. Create health by eating more plant foods.
Asparagus facts:
- Loaded with fiber.
- A five-ounce portion of provides folacin, necessary for blood cell formation growth.
- Folic acid helps prevent liver disease, cervical cancer, colon and rectal cancer, and heart disease.
- Asparagus contains potassium that helps regulate the electrolyte balance within cells and helps maintain normal heart function and blood pressure.
- Asparagus contains thiamin, B6, and is one of the richest sources of Rutin, a phytochemical/drug that strengthens capillary walls.
- Asparagus is especially rich in antioxidant vitamins A, C, and vitamin E.
- Asparagus contains Glutathione that helps repair damaged DNA.
- A compound found in asparagus shows some antiviral activity in test tube studies.
- Between 20 to 40 % of the population observe their urine smells rotten eggs, cabbages after they eat asparagus which is partly caused by the sulfur compounds in the spring vegetable.
- In the 19th Century France, bridegrooms were required to eat several courses of asparagus because of its alleged power to arouse
Perfect ‘Oven’ Asparagus
- Preheat an oven to 425 degrees F
- Place the asparagus into a mixing bowl, and drizzle with the olive oil. Toss to coat the spears, then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, and pepper.
- Bake in the pre-heated oven until just tender, 4-5 minutes depending on thickness.
- You want it still crisp (l dente’) in the center.
Perfect ‘Grilled’ Asparagus
Just toss with some garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper and throw it on the grill. Unless you really char them, you can't go wrong
- Preheat grill for high heat.
- Lightly coat the asparagus spears with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Grill over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or to desired tenderness.
Asparagus and Salmon Fajitas
6 portions
- ½ pound fresh asparagus, washed and bottom trimmed
- ½ each red and yellow peppers cut into strips-beta carotene
- 1 cup frozen or fresh corn
- Juice of one lemon-vitamin C
- Himalayan sat and black pepper
- Wild spring greens from local market
- 6-8-inch whole wheat burrito wraps
- In a sauté pan, add a scant amount of EVOO or avocado oil and the salmon strips skin side down and begin to sauté over medium high heat.
- Cook till just done….do not overcook.
- Add the asparagus, peppers, corn and onion. Cook, uncovered for 3 minutes or until the vegetables are crisp-tender, stirring occasionally. Turn off heat.
- Gently remove salmon skin. If it breaks up, no big deal.
- Drizzle salmon with lemon juice, and Himalayan salt and black pepper.
- Lay down bed of greens; spoon 1/2 cup asparagus, corn, peppers mix on each tortilla; fold in sides, let it rest for a few moments and serve.
Live Right Now theme music is “future soundtrack II” by Adam Henry Garcia from the Free Music Archive licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0